Time to Vote – 09-16-2020

Time to Vote – 09-16-2020
Last week I was fortunate to have a conversation with one of the pastors here in Macomb County. We were discussing the plight of Americas in regards to the coronavirus. There was something he said that really struck and heighten my interest. He said, “If Americans refuse to return to God and show love for each of our neighbors, there is no telling how long the virus will remain.” Spiruality is necessary in times like this. God promises to protect his people and direct our path to the goodness of life. Additionally, God understands however, that his people will go astray from his teachings from time to time. Nonetheless his love and forgiveness allows a return to his good grace. So I am asking each of you to keep God in your plans as we work through this most difficult time in American history.

As we move to cast our “VOTE” in the November 3, 2020 Presidential Election our concern should be clear. The reason for this action is registered and listed in the fact that this is the first step toward protesting concerns which will state truth against lies.

Have you been in touch with our local political candidates lately? This communication is a process that is being used to keep you up to date with names and political positions that are open to be filled. Let’s do all we can ladies and gentlemen, to help when and where we can with the election of the below listed persons.

Tammy T. Patton for Clinton Township Trustee————————–(313-215-8053)
Antoinette Wallace for County Commission 9th District—————–(586-722-8645)
Olu Jabari for Representative in State Legislature 33th District——–(586-530-9881)
Laurita Bledsoe for Trustee in Macomb Township———————-(
Michelle Nard for County Commission 1st District———————–(
Michelle Merriwether for Trustee in Chesterfield Township———(
Rhonda Warner for Trustee in Harrison Township———————(

A new period is developing, bringing intense changes across Macomb County. Within the next 48 days, changes that have never happen in Macomb County, Michigan before could see elected, six black women and one black male to political positions throughout Macomb County. We are at the door, so let us open it and walk in. VOTE—VOTE—VOTE—VOTE—VOTE

I am asking Pastor Kevin Lancaster, President of the Macomb County Ministerial Alliance and Joel Rutherford, Chair of the Official Democratic Black Caucus of Macomb County to forward this document to members of their organization to keep them in the loop. Thanks


Bro. Sherman Cottingham, Chair, City of Mt. Clemens Political Group

Phone: 586-823-4043

E-mail: mott1968@aol.com

September 16, 2020