Time to Vote – 09-06-2020

Time to Vote – 09-06-2020
This is my fourth communication addressed to you, speaking about the November 3, 2020 Presidential Election. My message has focused on encouraging each of you to “VOTE.” Not only for you to vote, but to make it your business to speak with other family members and friends asking them to vote also. I am grateful for the fact that your participation in this civic duty will help make America a better place to live these next four years.

If you are in need of reinforcement that you can share with others who might be having doubts about voting, I suggest you go online and click on the Fannie Lou Hamer-Stand-Up story and witness the severe pain and suffering this lady, from the state of Mississippi endured just to try to register for the purpose of voting in 1962. She was an awesome person who put her life in danger many time trying to exercise her God given right to vote in the state of Mississippi. But here is another reason why voting is so important. Political Scientist Ashley Jardina makes this statement, “white Americans roughly 30 to 40 percent of them now identify with their whiteness in a politically meaningful way. “What this means is group solidarity spikes when there’s a threat, real or imagined to the majority group.

We want to give a shout-out to Joel Rutherford, President and the Official Democratic Black Caucus of Macomb County for hosting a Unity Lunch, Saturday, August 29, 2020. A host of candidates running for office were there and shared comments. Both of our Mt. Clemens City Commissions, Rashidah Hammond and Dr. Wanda Goodnough were in attendance also.

Don’t forget our local candidates who are running for political positions November 3, 2020, give them what help you can.

Call these candidates and ask what you can do to help:

1, Tammy T. Patton for Clinton Township Trustee—————————–(313-215-8053)

2. Antoinette Wallace for County Commission 9th District ——————(586-722-8645)

3. Michelle Nard for County Commission 1st District

4. Olu Jabari for Representative in State Legislature 33rd District ———(586-530-9881)

I have been in talks with Nancy Duemling, President of the Clinton Township Democratic Club. There is a desire to connect in some way the City of Mt. Clemens Political Group and Clinton Township Democratic Club. At the present time there is a committee of members from both clubs working to try and identify a name that will incorporate and speak to both groups. Let me know your thoughts about this issue.


Bro. Sherman Cottingham, Chair, City of Mt. Clemens Political Group

Phone: 586-823-4043

E-mail: mott1968@aol.com

September 6, 2020