Time to Vote – 08-25-2020

Time to Vote – 08-25-2020
As I write this communication to you, there are only seventy days left before the November 3, 2020 Presidential Election. I do not believe it is necessary for me to outline in major details how important your “VOTE” is at this particular time. I do not have to tell you that it was 100 years ago that women of these United States received the right to vote. Additionally, we lost a great warrior in the name of Congressman and Civil Rights leader John Lewis, who bled his blood on the Edmund Pettus Bridge March 7, 1965 in the state of Alabama, marching and fighting for the right of black people to “VOTE.” All of us are not John Lewis, but we do have a “VOTE”, and that my friend is a powerful source to be used. I am SCREAMING as loud as I can, asking all of you to exercise your God given right to vote in this general election.

We heard so much about hope and optimism during the Democratic Convention, and how each of us must take on the responsibility to do our share of bringing some respect and dignity for American People. As many of the speakers stated, “The stakes of this year’s election is so high that we must vote like our lives depended on it.” This message is sent asking each of you to make voting your highest priority this November 3, 2020. Not only must you vote for the President of the United States, we must Vote for our local candidates also. Apply for your absentee ballot as soon as possible and return your ballot early to make sure your voice is heard in the November general election. You can call your local city or township clerk and ask them to send you an application.

Call these candidates and ask what you can do to help:

1, Tammy T. Patton for Clinton Township Trustee—————————–(313-215-8053)

2. Antoinette Wallace for County Commission 9th District ——————(586-722-8645)

3. Michelle Nard for County Commission 1st District

4. Olu Jabari for Representative in State Legislature 33rd District ———(586-530-9881)

I have been in talks with Nancy Duemling, President of the Clinton Township Democratic Club. There is a desire to connect in some way the City of Mt. Clemens Political Group and Clinton Township Democratic Club. At the present time there is a committee of members from both clubs working to try and identify a name that will incorporate and speak to both groups. Let me know your thoughts about this issue.


Bro. Sherman Cottingham, Chair, City of Mt. Clemens Political Group

Phone: 586-823-4043

E-mail: mott1968@aol.com

August 25, 2020